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Chamber of Commerce and Industry to Provide Export and Import Certificates by Legislative Initiative of Government: the RA Minister of Economy
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ATA Carnet certificates will be provided to the RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry by the established order of the Government with the proposing regulations. At present, such authority is not envisaged by a relevant law, meanwhile the functions of providing such certificates and the regulation of the technical part related to them in the international practice are reserved to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The bill on Making Addendum to the RA Law on the Chambers of Commerce and Industry authored by the Government proposes to ensure the more effective organization and coordination of the work aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on Temporary Admission signed in Istanbul on June 26, 1990.

The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan has noted that the ATA Carnet certificates give an opportunity to temporary export and import samples of art and musical instruments without customs payments.

The Member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, deputy Hovik Aghazaryan proposed to postpone the debate of the bill for specifying certain issues.

As a result of debate, the Committee members endorsed the draft.

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