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Government Plans to Make Community Development Programs More Targeted
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The Government proposes amendments to the Laws on RA Budget System, on Local Self-Government and on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan aimed at making community development programs more realistic and objective.

The initiative was debated in the first reading at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection on May 18.

The adoption of the legislative package will allow the communities to be guided by the already formed Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) during the formation of the draft state budget with the approved calculations and justifications for the upcoming year.

The Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan said that in the past, the communities had a small population with a small budget, which did not make it expedient to have Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks.

According to the rapporteur, now the enlarged communities have relatively huge budgets and program planning. The Government plans that the communities will have Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks for 2023-2025 from the next year.

The initiative was endorsed.

The amendments proposed by the Government to the Code on RA Lithosphere were also debated in the first reading and endorsed in the Committee. The Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan detailed the regulations. The Ministry of Environment will be empowered to approve guidelines for the implementation of assessment provisions of the impact on environment during environmental disasters.

The draft will be debated in the plenary session hall within 24-hour.

The drafts on Amending the Law on Targeted Use of Environmental Tax Paid by Companies and on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Forest Code authored by the Government were debated in the second reading and endorsed.

The debate of the draft law on Privileges and Assistance Provided to the Residents of the RA Border Settlements authored by the deputy of the Armenia Faction Vahe Hakobyan was postponed for up to two months because of the author’s absence.

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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