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Performance of RA Ministry of Hi-Tech Industry Designed by State Budget for 2021 Discussed
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In 2021 the RA Ministry of Hi-Tech Industry implemented state budget 5 programmes. The expenditures were 6.6bln AMD or 92.3% of the envisaged means. Compared with the previous year the expenditures on the implementing programmes with the responsibility of the RA Hi_tech Industry decreased by 21.4% or 1.8bln AMD.

The RA Minister of Hi-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan, presenting in detail the performances for each programme measure said that about 2bln AMD or 83.0% of the planned indicator was used within the framework of the eco system and market development programme.

Within the framework of the 17th measure of the neutralization of the coronavirus economic consequences the quantity of the grants given to the companies is 38, out of which the quantity of the innovative grants is 23. The measure expenditures were 949.3mln AMD, providing 98.1% performance.

Within the framework of the scientific and scientific-technical purposeful researches in the sphere of defence about 1.2bln AMD was used, providing 98.1% performance.

The expenditures of the military-industry complex were about 2bln AMD, the performance – 100%.

The expenditures in the state policy elaboration, the programme coordination and monitoring were 848.7mln AMD, the performance – 97.5%.

Robert Khachatryan also answered the deputies’ questions, which were related with the implementation of different programmes’ measures.

The questions of the NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan related to the entrepreneurs’ training Virtual Bridge programme, cyber security and other problems. “The state should have its cyber security centre,” the NA Vice President said.

The RA Minister of Hi-Tech Industry expressed his consent in that connection and informed about the work done.

Regarding the training programme, Hakob Arshakyan underlined the necessity of the fundamental training of the sphere specialists. 8000 specialists were trained, which according to the NA Deputy Speaker, is a great success.

“One specialist out of three found job through training,” the NA Vice President noted.

Robert Khachatryan said that Hakob Arshakyan’s all observations will be taken into consideration.

The issue was discussed at the joint sitting of the Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs on June 1.

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