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Government Initiates Amendments to the Law on the Rights of the Child
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The executive body proposes addenda and amendments to the law on the Rights of the Child. The proposing amendments for the functioning of sub-legislative acts will provide authorizing norms.

At June 8 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs the Deputy Minister of Labor and Asocial Affairs Tatevik Stepanyan presented the item.

The Deputy Minister noted that the amendments to the content of the law on the Rights of the Child and on the Electoral Code will be presented for the debate of parliament with a bigger package in the near future.

It has been noted that there is no norm setting the child’s alternative care to any law, meanwhile the RA has assumed the obligation of organizing children’s care next to the family environment. According to the Deputy Minister, the Institute of Guardianship is the best example in this issue.

The other authorizing norm relates to the adoption order, which though functions, but there was no authorizing norm in any law for many years.

The next amendment refers to the order of directing of the institutions implementing 24-day care and providing authorizing norms of the sub-legislative act concerning the criteria.

The deputy Arusyak Julhakyan was interested in the problems of organizing guardianship and trusteeship.

The Deputy Minister Tatevik Stapanyan noted that in the field of the right of the child the Ministry is an authorized policy-making body, and with the responsibility of the local self-government bodies the

guardianship and trusteeship bodies operate. She highlighted the strengthening of the community social work, noting that as much the authorized body works out the criteria and the directing orders, the community should quickly respond and help the resident.

According to the Deputy Minister, we shall educate the social workers of the community to go through preventing the problems.

In the co-report the Deputy Chair of the Committee Rustam Bakoyan reminded that the legislative proposal will ensure the legal basis of the legal acts adopted by the Government.

The initiative was endorsed by the Committee.

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