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RA SRC Deputy Chairperson: A fine of 200.000 AMD is imposed in case of violation of the requirements to carry out the exchange of tokens in the gambling hall only in a non-cash way by the organizers of gambling games and casino activities
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The package of drafts on Making Amendments and Addendum to the RA Tax Code and on Making Addendum and Amendment to the Law on Gambling Games, Internet Gambling Games and Casinos was debated in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs convened on July 4.

The purpose of the draft is to provide the tax authority with an opportunity to use the current control tools (in particular, the control purchase study) to establish proper control over the cases of non-observance of cash acceptance restrictions under the RA Law on Non-Cash Transactions, as well as to apply a measure of responsibility in case of violation of the requirements to carry out the exchange of tokens in the gambling hall only in a non-cash way by the organizers of gambling games and casino activities .

A fine of 200.000 AMD is imposed for each case.

According to the RA Deputy Chairperson Tsovinar Soghomonyan, as a result of the adoption of the draft, it is expected that the restrictions, detection and prevention of cash acceptance in the cases and procedure defined by the RA Law on Non-Cash Transactions will be carried out with the current control toolkit of the tax administration, and the existing mistake in the law on Gambling Games, Internet Gambling Games and Casinos.

The deputies’ questions mainly referred to the problems in the field.

As a result of the debate, the Committee members endorsed the legislative package.

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