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Parliament Convenes Extraordinary Session on the Initiative of the Government
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On July 6, the National Assembly convened an extraordinary session on the initiative of the Government. 23 legislative initiatives were included in the agenda. By the NA decision the debate of a number of drafts included in the agenda will be held after passing them in the first reading during twenty-four hours.

The draft law on Making Addendum and Amendments to the law on Programme of the State Property Privatization for 2017-2020 was debated. The Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan informed that the adoption of the initiative is conditioned by the need of giving opportunity the Scientific Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Republican Speleotherapeutic Center, Vardenis Stomatological Polyclinics CJSC to change the direction of their activities and removing the Neurosis Clinics CJSC from the Programme of the State Property Privatization for 2017-2020. At present, from the above mentioned medical centers only the Scientific Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics CJSC functions, which is designed to include in the multi-profile medical centers as a separate service. It is envisaged to move the activities of the Neurosis Clinics to Avan Mental Health Center. The Government has already allocated financial means for that purpose to refurbish and repair the relevant division of that institution. As the Minister informed, in the near future it is designed to completely repair Avan Mental Health Center.

The Minister of Health believes that as a result of changes the quality of the rendering services will be improved.

In response to the question of the deputy Lilit Stepanyan, Anahit Avanesyan informed that the employees with non-decent professional quality will not have a problem of job: they will be moved to a new center. Besides, according to the Minister, today some medical centers need qualified nurses and doctors.

The NA Standing Committee on Health Care endorsed the draft.

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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