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Regulations for Implementing Fair Trade
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The legislative package on Making Addenda to the law on Trade and Services regulates the ‘action’ notion and its kinds, the ‘discount’ notion and the conditions of its use, including the term restriction.

The demands being presented to the events not related to the realization of the goods or the price change of rendering service and the conditions of its use, the demands being presented to the awareness on action, the publication of information, its termination conditions are regulating. The legal consequences being designed for implementation of the action contradicting the law, the content of the ‘discount’ in the sense of tax legislation are set. As a result of the adoption of the drafts, it is expected to create necessary, predictable and certain legislative bases for the use of the use of the action, which will promote the implementation of the fair trade, including the improvement of the competitive improvement and the rise of the consumer’s protection of rights. “This is an important initiative for establishing high level of trust between the consumers and entity objects and restoring the real faith towards the numerous discounts, actions in the Republic of Armenia,” the key rapporteur, the Chairman of the RA Competition Protection Commission Gegham Gevorgyan underlined.

The NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the package.

The package was debated in the first reading at July 6 extraordinary session of the National Assembly.

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