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Legislative Package on Implementing Processes on State Border Checkpoints by ‘One Stop, Single Window’ Principle Debated in Second Reading
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At present, 4-5 state bodies carry out state functions at state border checkpoints. Only two, the national security service and the customs bodies, will implement work in the sphere of the economic activity by the proposing legislative package. The bodies of the national security service will perform functions that the police do on the border at present, and the customs bodies – some functions reserved to the inspectorate of the food security. The Deputy Chairwoman of the RA State Revenue Committee Tsovinar Soghomonyan noted at the NA extraordinary session during the debate in the second reading of the package of the draft law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the law on Customs Regulation and the enclosed presented draft laws.

The key rapporteur presented that the legislative package was revised during the period from the first to the second reading: the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Code on Administrative Offences was also included.

The member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Tsovinar Vardanyan noted that the use of the ‘One Stop, Single Window’ principle in the applying procedures by the state management system bodies, state bodies and organizations designed by the decision of the RA Prime Minister of October 4, 2019 is laid on the basis of the need of the proposing amendments and addenda. She underlined the importance of the customs administration, as well as the oversight mechanisms and the development and modernization of the processes being implemented on the state border, which will promote the increase of the international trade, the activation of the Armenian and foreign business cooperation.

At the Head Committee the draft was endorsed. As the Deputy Chairwoman of the RA State Revenue Committee Tsovinar Soghomonyan presented, the parliament in the first reading also debated the package of bills on making Amendments and Addendum to the RA Tax Code and on Making Addendum and Amendment to the law on Gambling Games, Internet Gambling Games and Casinos authored by the Government.

The NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the draft.

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