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Powers of Government in Sphere of Defense Are Composed in a New Way by Legislative Package
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The powers of the Government in the sphere of defense are composed in a new way by the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Defense and the enclosed submitted package of draft laws presented by the Government, aiming at distinctly stipulating the powers reserved to the Government with a number of articles of the Constitution. In accordance with the international treaties distinctly set the order on the participation of peace keeping or military actions by the subdivisions of the armed forces from the RA territory, on submitting a proposal to the National Assembly to declare martial law, war or establish peace, declaring war in case of impossibility of convening NA sitting, as well as on decision making in the directions providing the activities of the Armed Forces: the RA Minister of Defence Suren Papikyan noted at July 6 convened NA extraordinary sitting.

According to the Minister, the powers in the mobilisation preparation and mobilization are separately grouped and set, the scope of the acts being adopted by the RA Security Council, a number of fundamental plans and programmes regulating the activities of the RA Armed Forces and other troops are specified, including them in one general plan of the RA defense. The scope of the powers of the RA Ministry of Defence and the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the RA Minister of Defense and the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces was edited and specified.

Suren Papikyan underlined that the format of the mobilization conscript is also specified by the legislative package.

As the Minister has assessed, the legislative package is on the way of systemized changes, with the help of which the system will become smoother.

Answering to Vilen Gabrielyan’s question, Suren Papikyan noted that one of his political deputies can replace the Minister of Defence by the Prime Minister’s decision.

In his co-report the NA deputy Vilen Gabrielyan, presented the endorsement of the Head Committee, noted that after adopting it in the first reading there is a need of additional work in order to completely solve the presenting problems.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Andranik Kocharyan emphasized the presenting initiative and noted that it was a package of learning lessons and it had passed a rather

long path.

Bill endorsed: New functions to be given to Military-Industrial Committee
One main problem will be solved with proposing amendments and addenda, i.e. to establish new legal legislative functions for the Military-Industrial Committee. The RA Minister of Hi-Tech Industry Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan said this, presenting for debate the draft law On Amendments and Addenda to...

Legislative initiatives debated in second reading endorsed
At September 27 extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, a number of legislative initiatives were debated and endorsed in the second reading.The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented the draft law On Making Addendum and Amendment to th...

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those fallen in the 44-day war.They laid flowers o...

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