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Hripsime Grigoryan Gives a Speech at OSCE PA Session
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The member of the RA NA delegation Hripsime Grigoryan gave a speech at the OSCE PA Annual Session. In her speech, she particularly said:

“Dear Parliamentarians,

While talking about terrorism and its victims, just like human rights, our approach cannot be selective. We cannot voice about victims of terrorism in one area and stay silent about others.

I hence want to thank all colleagues from more than ten countries who voted for the three amendments proposed by our delegation referring to the need for a comprehensive resolution of the existing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for the reason that people living there are victims of terrorism and war crimes who lack very basic security even now.

Advocating that the conflict is over, is basically making everyone in this room admit that indeed international law is dead. Moreover, I consider that voting to stay silent and admitting there is no more conflict, leaves painful open questions first being the security and rights of the people who still do live in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

The reality is that these people need a comprehensive resolution as they have neither disappeared, nor their security issues and rights have disappeared.

When we let us not address these issues, we give green light to the actions that follow the words of Azerbaijani leader and I quote. “I said if Armenians do not leave our lands on their own will, we will chase them away like dogs.”

I still hope that nobody would want to find himself/herself in defending a policy that leads to the above actions until it’s too late.

Not learning lessons leaves us with guaranteed consequences of upcoming human tragedies and no politics and no money for that matter can ever be more valuable than the human lives.” Hripsime Grigoryan concluded her speech.

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