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Budgetary Programmes of the Economic Sphere Included in the Preliminary Version of State Budget for 2023 Debated
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At July 15 joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Babken Tunyan and Gevorg Papoyan the preliminary budgetary programmes and financial allocations for 20234 of the sphere of economy were debated.

The Head of the RA Cadastre Committee Suren Tovmasyan Suren Tovmasyan noted that about 4.3 billion AMD was designed for the structure in 2023. According to him, the important functions are; the system digitalization and providing exact information to the citizens. At present, the mapping work of Shirak Marz are underway.

Noting that during the year about 200.000 applications were served, the Head of the Cadastre Committee underlined the necessity of facilitating their specialists’ work by the introduction of the flexible toolkit.

550 million AMD was designed to allocate to the RA State Commission for Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) by the state budget for 2023. As Gegham Gevorgyan has assured, the Committee carries out studies in the markets of vital importance. As a result, according to him, this year two proceedings had already been initiated, 70 cases of dishonest competition had been disclosed.

Gegham Gevorgyan also noted that the SCPEC digitalized the working processes.

He informed that the goods markets are studied once in 5 years with the order established by legislation.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan proposed to set a target baseline, which gives an opportunity to make the studies more frequent in the goods markets.

With regards to the goods indicators, the representative of the RA Ministry of Finance informed that in the near future a three-tier evaluation system will be introduced, which as a pilot programme will be applied in the SCPEC for the first time.

The Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan considered important the use of the exact criteria in the programme budgeting process.

The RA Deputy Minister of territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan noted that about 320 billion AMD will be allocated to the Ministry: a number of programmes will be implemented – 134 billion AMD will be allocated to the transport. Touching upon the urban development problems, the Deputy minister informed that 13.8 billion AMD was allocated to the construction of Sisian-Kajaran road section. According to him, the work for alienating the lands had already begun. Next year the bridge of Bagratashen will be commissioned: 65 billion AMD will be allocated to the water economy.

In response to the question of the member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, the NA deputy Hovik Aghazaryan on the asphalt paving quality, the Deputy Minister noted that there are serious problems in the technical control, but in quality progress was registered.

The questions of the member of the same Committee, the NA deputy Tsovinar Vardanyan referred to the water economy and the irrigation system. As Vache Terteryan has assured, huge sums of money are necessary to fundamentally improve the irrigation system. According to him, in fact new pipelines, which will reach to the farmer, have not been built, the thousand-year old Shamiram canal operates.

As Vahan Kerobyan has assured, 51.8 billion AMD will be allocated to the RA Ministry of Economy in 2023, 21.9 billion AMD to the economic sphere, from which 8.6 billion AMD with foreign sources. 12 programmes – 47 events will be carried out.

29.9 billion AMD was designed to the agriculture, from which 2.5 billion AMD. 6 programmes – 30 events will be carried out in the sphere. 8.9 billion AMD will be allocated for the development of tourism.

Vahan Kerobyan also noted that in the first five months of this year 10.2% economic activeness was registered.

As the Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Armen Ghularyan has assured, 11.9 billion AMD was designed for the structure, 7 events will be carried out. He noted that in the near future: 7 events will be carried out. Armen Ghularyan also noted that the repairing works of the emergency buildings will become continuous.

The Chairman of the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) Garegin Baghramyan noted that 1.8 billion AMD was designed for the Commission. Highlighting the activity of the PSRC underlined the necessity of the implemented structural changes.

The RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan noted that the Ministry works out and implements the policy of the Government in the spheres of the communication, informatization, information technologies and information security, post, providing licensing and permissions and military industry. As he assured, in 2023 18.9 billion AMD was allocated by the preliminary draft of the state budget, 4 programmes will be implemented.

As the Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee (SRC) Rustam Badasyan assured, 27.38 billion AMD will be allocated to the Committee. According him, the collection of the tax revenues was set 100%. In the near future, the construction works of Meghri new customs point. It was noted that the SRC has result index.

Rustam Badasyan considered an important step the introduction of the preliminary declaration sytem, which facilitates the activity of the business community.

The Coordinator of the NA Budget Office Gagik Barseghyan presented a number of observations on the budgetary allocations of different spheres.

149th Assembly of Inter-Parliamentary Union begins in Geneva
On October 14, the official opening ceremony of the 149th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union took place in Geneva, in which the delegation led by the RA NA President Alen Simonyan participated.During the Assembly, the RA NA President will give a speech. Various bilateral meetings are also sch...

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