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Tigran Hakobyan’s Candidacy to Be Nominated for Vacancy of Member on Commission of Television and Radio
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In accordance with the RA constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, Tigran Hakobyan’s candidacy was nominated by the Civil Contract Faction for the vacancy of the member of the Commission on Television and Radio (CTR).

The issue of the latter’s candidacy was debated at September sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport.

Now, Tigran Hakobyan is the CTR Chairman, his tenure will end after a few days. He was born in 1960, from 1988 up to now works in the sphere of television and radio, in different structures, is a lecturer.

Thanking the MPs for nominating his candidacy, Tigran Hakobyan touched upon the problems of the sphere, which need regulation. He assured that in case of being elected he would try to have his contribution in their solution. According to the candidate, though in recent years the legislation of the video and audio sphere is improved, nevertheless, there are problems, which need complete solution. “There are dozens of problems, which this law does not solve. There are dozens of misreadings, and this is connected not only with the law, perhaps, the authors not being specialists, or the law stems from being adopted quickly. First of all, it is connected with the development of the technical means with explosive speed. Today, the world already has experience, and it is calmly regulated, which was difficult to regulate three years ago,” the candidate noted, adding that it is very important to pass a law which will meet today’s demands.

Tigran Hakobyan considered important also the broadcast of the quality programmes, in general, also with quality content from the TV air, the regulation of the issue of providing language and information security, etc. “Unfortunately, the system that will be engaged with the issue of language and information security is not in Armenia,” the candidate said. According to his assessment, there are dozens of foreign TV programmes, which are garbage and negatively reflect on the way of thinking of the public. “The regulating body should have levers, and in some way encourage the same network operators, in order they will bring more educational, cultural and children’s programmes, which are very many in the world,” the candidate for the member of the Commission on Television and Radio.

The Committee members positively assessed Tigran Hakobyan’s work in the sphere. Six members of the Committee voted for the latter’s candidacy, there were not voted against him.

The debate of the issue of the candidate’s nomination is designed to conduct during the NA upcoming regular sittings.

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