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Committee Approves Simplification of Mechanisms of Mutual Visa-Free Trips between Armenia and Belarus
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The executive body proposes to ratify the Protocol on Making Addendum to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on Mutual Visa-Free Trips of Citizens of the Republic of Armenia and Citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

According to the draft, citizens of the state of the one side will be exempted from the obligation to register with the competent bodies of the state within 30 days from the date of entry into the territory of the state of the other side. In case of a stay of more than 30 days, the citizen is obliged to register with the competent bodies in accordance with the legislation of that state.

The RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Paruyr Hovhannisyan presented the issue for debate at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations chaired by Eduard Aghajanyan.

In his co-report, Sargis Khandanyan expressed opinion that the ratification of the protocol will simplify the mechanisms of mutual visa-free trips between Armenia and Belarus.

The deputy Gurgen Arsenyan also highlighted the proposed regulation, noting that our compatriots living abroad are given the opportunity to have a clear idea about the terms and legal status of their stay in the territory of that country.

The Committee endorsed the issue.

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