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It is Planned to Reduce Duty on Imported Cement by 5.000 AMD, to Eliminate Duty on Imported Clinker
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It is proposed to reduce the duty on imported cement by 5 . 000 AMD , setting 9 . 000 AMD for per ton instead of 14 . 000 AMD , and to eliminate the duty on imported clinker. The deputy Babken Tunyan informed about this at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs convened on September 7, when the draft law o n Amending the RA Law on State Duty authored by him and the deputy Hovik Aghazaryan was debated .

According to Babken Tunyan, the adoption of the law is due to the need to protect the local production of cement, as well as to ensure an equal competitive field for imported and locally produced products. Our goal is not to set preferential conditions for local producers and allow them to make a profit at the expense of expensive cement, but to create a competitive situation where they will also have competitors, and this will in some way curb their excessive appetites, and the quality, volumes, and prices will also be regulated in the market ,” Babken Tunyan said.

As a result of the adoption of the draft, the regulation effective from 2019 will be adjusted in accordance with the latest developments in the cement market and the changed basic conditions. The balanced competitive condition of the cement market will be restored, preventing further market concentration and unreasonable price increases. Steps will be taken to increase productivity and lower costs by creating incentives for local companies.

In his co-report, the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan presented the endorsement of the Government related to the draft.

The Committee endorsed the draft. The Committee will propose to the NA Council to organize the debate of the draft in the second reading after its adoption in the first reading within twenty-four hours.

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