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According to Proposed Legislative Package, Authorizing Norms to Be Established
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The draft law o n Making Addendum to the Law on Postal Communication stipulates that the RA Government approves the procedure for monitoring in the field of postal communication, and the draft law on Making Addenda to the Law on Electronic Communication s stipulates that the RA Government approves the procedure for operating, managing, using electronic communication networks and establishing additional channels in emergency situations, during emergency or martial law, as well as approves the plan and schedule for the implementation of the base and mobile radio monitoring system in the RA territory .

According to the RA Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry Davit Sahakyan, it is proposed with the package of drafts to establish authorizing norms for the adoption of secondary regulatory legal acts or legal acts of other nature.

The legislative package was debated in the first reading and endorsed at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs held on September 7.

The Committee debated in the second reading and endorsed the draft laws authored by the Government on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Chambers of Commerce and Industry and on Approving the 2021 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Privatization of State Property Program for 2017-2020.

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