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Artur Hovhannisyan: We Expect Assistance Aimed at Protecting Democracy from Our Democratic Colleagues
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On September 29, Artur Hovhannisyan, the Head of the Friendship Group RA NA Armenia-Czech Republic, the Secretary of the Civil Contract Faction met with the delegation led by Eva Dvořáková. the Head of the Eastern European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Artur Hovhannisyan highlighted the guests’ visit to our country in his hard phase. The Head of the Friendship Group underlined the democracy as a most important direction and documented that at this moment one of the main guarantees of the security of our state is the democracy. The MP assured that Armenia is an initiator in deepening the relations in this direction. To his conviction, the invasion of Azerbaijan to the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia is a struggle of the very authoritarian and democratic regimes. “We expect assistance aimed at protecting democracy from our democratic colleagues,” Artur Hovhannisyan added.

The MP expressed readiness for expanding the close cooperation on the parliamentary platform. He also touched upon the indicators of the economic development of the Republic of Armenia, noting that even after the 44-day war the economic growth continues. According to him, the security of the country is also conditioned by the economic stability.

Eva Dvořáková underlined that her country is concerned about the continuous development of cooperation with Armenia and is interested in the situation in the South Caucasus. She emphasized the continuous development of the democratic processes, underscoring that the Czech Republic holding presidency of the Council of the European Union, is ready to assist Armenia on that way.

Regarding the regional problems, the guest stressed the mediation efforts of the President of the European Council Charles Michel in the advancement of peace, and added that they are ready to provide assistance and support the solution of the problem. “Charles Michel’s actions are completely approved by the Czech Republic – the EU Presidency,” he noted.

The sides agreed that there is great potential for the expansion of bilateral cooperation. They referred to the possibility of the implementation of a number of programmes, the boosting of the investments, the development of cooperation in different spheres, particularly, in the security, economic and ecological spheres.

Let us note that next week the visit of the Head of the Department on Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to Armenia is scheduled, during which the security cooperation programmes will be discussed in more detail.

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