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It is Proposed to Extend Activity Period of NA Inquiry Committee for Another Six Months
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“It is proposed to extend the activity period of the NA Inquiry Committee for Studying the Circumstances of the Hostilities Unleashed on September 27, 2020 for another six months,” the Chair of the Inquiry Committee Andranik Kocharyan noted at the NA sitting on October 4.

Andranik Kocharyan presented the work carried out by the Committee and the experts during the previous six months. The list of key documents consisted of 16 points was elaborated by the Committee in March and, after discussions, was presented by the Ministry of Defense on March 30. According to the mentioned list, the Ministry has been preparing a part of the package of required documents for about 2 months and presented it to the Committee for examination. It includes about 3.500 samples of text and graphic documents, with a total volume of more than 10.000 pages, which is not final yet. Andranik Kocharyan noted that the Ministry of Defense received a large number of documents, which are under examination. Due to the new facts and information revealed during the examination of the document, there was a need to receive new documents and data from the Ministry and other state bodies. “At the moment, the Committee is busy examining the mentioned documents and combining many data and information obtained from them, which is a rather complicated, time-consuming and responsible work. Based on that, it will also be possible to draw up the list of persons to be inquired by the Committee and the dates for inviting them,” the Committee Chair said.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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