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In Violation of Restrictions of Accepting Presents Administrative Responsibility is Set for Persons Holding Public Position and Public Servants
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It is proposed to set administrative responsibility for the persons holding public position and public servants instead of disciplinary responsibility in violation of restrictions of accepting presents. The regulations designing restrictions of receiving presents by the persons holding public positions and public servants will combine in one legal act. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Arpine Sargsyan said about this during the NA regular sitting convened on October 25, presenting the new regulations in the law on Public Service and in co-laws.

As the Deputy Minister informed, a number of amendments were made at the phase of debate in the Head Committee. In response to Sargis Khandanyan’s question, Arpine Sargsyan presented in detail the definition of the notion ‘present.’

The NA deputy Sergey Bagratyan in asking his question proposed the attendees to prohibit by law the official to receive any present at all.

In her co-report the member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Lilit Minasyan noted that from the period of the first to the second reading it is envisaged to concretize the control mechanisms - the bodies will carry out those processes, will be specified, in terms of the clash of interests the format of the inter-connected persons. As the MP informed, the Committee endorsed the legislative package in condition that before the second reading debates will be held, and some provisions will be specified.

In his speech the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan, touching upon the importance of the fight against corruption and the consistency and determination of the Government in that fight, noted that it is important not to get into extremities: “If we try to solve the problem by improving it, but we make it very extreme, as a result, the law practically will not be in force and the problems will not be solved,” Babken Tunyan underlined. As the MP assessed, the formulations which are acceptable by the international structures, the provisions that are applicable in other countries, in our case they cannot be effective and by that the law will be devalued, but they won’t solve the real problems.

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