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Deputies to Sign Under Text of the Oath by New Legislation Regulation
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The aim of the legislative regulation is to increase the realization of the responsibility conditioned by the position of the persons by taking their public solemn oath. The oath taken to the public will serve as an important component of a conscientious, legal and responsible behavior in the future.

The deputies will sign under the text of the oath after swearing in by the proposing new regulation in the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly. Alkhas Ghazaryan informed about the legislative proposal authored by her, Vladimir Vardanyan and Arpine Davoyan presenting it. The issue was debated ay the NA sitting on October 25.

The NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs endorsed the item, and the Committee member Karen Sarukhanyan informed about this.

The Government has no proposals on the agenda item. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Arpine Sargsyan added that the swearing-in and signing procedures need specification, which will be touched upon during the period from the first to the second reading.

The draft law on Making Addendum to the law on Budgetary System of the Republic of Armenia was also debated at the NA sitting.

The RA First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry Gevorg Mantashyan informed that by the adoption of the package of draft laws legal bases will be created for fixing relevant authorizing norms in the preface of the decision of the Government, as well as for the adoption of the sub-legislative normative legal acts or of other character defining norms in separate expenditure directions.

It is also proposed to give authorization to the Government for adopting sub-legislative normative legal acts or of other character defining norms in separate expenditure directions

The draft was debated in the first reading. The NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs endorsed the draft.

The RA Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan, presenting the draft on Amending the law on Protection of Atmospheric Air and the presented package of draft laws , noted that observations of the atmospheric air in Armenia are carried out in Yerevan, in Gyumri, in Vanadazor, in Alaverdi, in Hrazdan, in Ararat, in Tsakhkadzor, in Kapan, in Kajaran and in Charentsavan. The executive body takes steps to develop the technical capacities of Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Centre, as a result of which, every citizen will be able to get information at any moment on pollution of the location. Five dust measuring devices have already been installed in Yerevan. Administrative responsibility is designed by the legislative initiative for burning in the facilities of the production or use of the consumer’s waste or in specially allocated places or unlicensed landfills.

The member of the Standing (Head) Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Aren Mkrtchyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

The deputy Sergey Bagratyan expressed concern on the air pollution in Yerevan and in the marzes. In his opinion, it has a negative influence on the citizens’ health and on the involvement of the investments. The Deputy Minister noted that in Yerevan the existing indicators have tendencies of growth on the dust, nitrogen, dioxide, sulfur dioxide and riverine ozone.

During the day the voting of the debated items will be organized at October 26 sitting.

The deputies of the opposition Armenia and With Honor Factions also took part in the last sitting, making statements. In their speeches the representatives of Armenia Faction spoke particularly, about the right of self-determination of Artsakh, the salvation of the homeland, the statement of being the visit of the deputy of the RF State Duma Konstantin Zatulin non desirable.

Parliament Debates a Number of Drafts in Second Reading
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Arnak Avetisyan: Functions of Authorized Body in Privatization and Alienation of Plots of Lands Being Considered as State Property are Specified by Legislative Package
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Amount of Fine for Driving Heavy Machines Exceeding the Maximum Mass on Automobile Road to Increase
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Avet Poghosyan: A satellite control center will be established in Armenia by the end of this year
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In Violation of Restrictions of Accepting Presents Administrative Responsibility is Set for Persons Holding Public Position and Public Servants
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National Assembly Debates Draft Law on Ratifying Agreement: It is planned to carry out major repairs and rebuild 4 high schools, natural science and IT laboratories will be created in 200 schools
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National Assembly Begins Work of Regular Sittings: MP Davit Arushanyan Sworn in
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