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Budgetary Bid of Yerevan Municipality for 2023 Presented: In 2023 Six Polyclinics and Sixteen Kindergartens to be Repaired in Yerevan
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42 billion 316 million AMD is envisaged to allocate to Yerevan Municipality in 2023, and the authorities delegated to the Head of Yerevan community by the state with educational projects were the biggest – within the framework of 18 billion AMD. The Mayor of Yerevan Hrachya Sargsyan informed about this, presenting the budgetary allocations in 2023.

According to the Mayor, about 2 billion 700 million AMD will be allocated for the organization of passenger transport by metro of Yerevan in 2023.

In 2023, 3 billion AMD is designed to allocate for construction works of Arshakunyats-Isakov road link.

Hrachya Sargsyan also noted that the money envisaged for obtaining the transport means is a big share of the budgetary bid for 2023. The buses will be in Yerevan in summer of the coming year. The allocation will be about 9 billion.

“I am sure that during the year 2023, we’ll solve the problem of transport in the amount of 70%, The problem of transport is not only the achievement of the transport means, but that is one of the prior steps,” the Mayor said.

In 2023, within the framework of the energy saving measures repairing of the kindergartens is designed, which will be carried out with about two billion loan provided by the European Union. According to the Mayor, next year it is designed to sign one more Loan Agreement, which will be spent for repairing six polyclinics and 16 kindergartens.

The Mayor of Yerevan also answered the deputies’ questions.

Regarding the overload of the kindergartens, Hrachya Sargsyan informed that there are 162 kindergartens in Yerevan, 24 out of which are at the phase of capital repair. For that purpose, the children going to 24 institutions have no possibility to go to the kindergarten. According to him, by the preliminary account 40 kindergartens will be under repair in 2023. The Mayor noted that there are parts also with newly constructed buildings, where there are no kindergartens. In this context it was underlined that construction of the new kindergartens is designed in 3 different administrative districts.

The RA Heads of marzes also took part in the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs and presented the allocations envisaged by 2023 draft budget.

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