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Practical Mechanisms of the Professional Development and Interconnected by Rise of Remuneration to for About 7000 Employees of Preliminary and Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions to be Created
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At present, a number of decisions and orders regulating the primary specialized (vocational) and secondary specialized educational sphere are in force, and its approval is distinctly not set. There was a need to work out and approve new legal acts, which are not authorized by any law. The RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Zhanna Andreasyan said about this during the debate of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addendum to the law on Primary Specialized (Vocational) and Secondary Specialized Education.

The draft was debated at the sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport on November 8.

It is proposed to introduce the mechanisms of certification and categories, which will give an opportunity to change the rate of the employees working in the sphere, as well as set bonus premiums.

T he p rofessional development and i nterconnected p ractical me chanisms by the r ise of r emuneration to for about 7000 e mployees of the p reliminary and secondary specialized e ducational i nstitutions will be c reated . New methodology of the introduction of the new professions, the rationalization of the distribution of the programmes to be implemented in them, new methodology of the distribution of the admission places, as well as introduction the pedagogues’ professional development certification system to the interconnected remuneration mechanisms.

According to Zhanna Andreasyan, a number of authorizing norms will be regulated by the draft, which will allow to specify the policy at the sub-legislative level in the direction of several mechanisms of the sphere in the aspect of the administration, financing, the regulation of the substantive issues, as well as the legal-organizational forms of the educational institutions and the policy of the fellowships.

An attempt will be made in the sphere by the proposing amendment to introduce the mechanism of the compensation of the transport expenditures. Amendments will be made also in the certification mechanism on the right to the management of the educational institution.

The draft was endorsed.

The Committee debated in the second reading and endorsed also the draft on Approving the RA Education Development State Programme until 2030.

The Committee made a decision to include in the draft agenda of the NA regular sittings to be convened on November 15 the package of the draft laws on Making Addendum to the law Audiovisual Media and on Amending the Law on Advertisement authored that was endorsed at October 21 sittings.

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