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Members of Armenia-Poland Friendship Group Meet with Bogdan Klich: Your Experience is Exemplary for Our Country and Region
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Our peoples have many similarities. I am familiar with the history of your country, your victories, as well as difficulties that you have overcome. Your experience is exemplary for our country and region: the Head of Armenia-Poland Friendship Group Arusyak Julhakyan said during the meeting held with the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and European Union Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Bogdan Klich on November 9. The members of the Friendship Group Tsovinar Vardanyan, Sargis Khandanyan, Hasmik Hakobyan also took part in the meeting.

Bogdan Klich expressed readiness for practically supporting in expanding the cooperation between the two countries in the inter-parliamentary relations.

According to Arusyak Julhakyan, Armenia-EU cooperation has an important place on the Armenian-Polish collaboration agenda. As a co-author of the Eastern Partnership, Poland has an active role in strengthening of Armenia-EU relations. The Head of the Friendship Group underlined the necessity of the organization of the mutual visits of bilateral high level.

In the sphere of democratic reforms, Poland has rather succeeded experience, in this aspect also, in Arusyak Julhakyan’s opinion, Poland is an exemplary country for Armenia.

At the meeting a reference was made to the economic cooperation. The importance of the cultural cooperation was underscored. In particular, the culture of Armenia was proposed to present in the Senate of Poland. Issues of educational possible programmes of exchange and the creation of the opportunity of teaching Polish were discussed.

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The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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