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Armen Gevorgyan: The State Policy of Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh Today is a Manifest Crime against Humanity
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The speech of the Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan on the debate of issue Addressing the humanitarian consequences of the blockade of the Lachin corridor was published.

Mr. President,

I want to make some statements of facts, which are important to know regarding the situation around Nagorno Karabakh.

1. Without regard to the political and historic causes of the conflict, around 120.000 people are under siege for 46 days, and counting. They are made subject to starvation and survival in extreme conditions. This is happening only because they are Armenians and want to live in their homeland in freedom and dignity.

2. So-called “eco-activists”, that had blocked the “road of life” through Lachin Corridor, are specially trained ‘special agents’ and funded by the Azerbaijani authorities. In 30 years, no protests or any meaningful public action was held inside Azerbaijan by any “eco-activists” - against the corrupt and unfair exploitation of Azerbaijan's gas and oil resources.

3. The state policy of Azerbaijan against Nagorno Karabakh today is a manifest crime against humanity, which shall be condemned and punished without delay, within the frameworks of international law, by international organisations and governments.

4. The political regime in Azerbaijan cannot be considered as a trustworthy partner with whom one can negotiate, since there is simply no guarantee that any agreement will hold.

5. Condemning state policy of ethnic cleansing will not mean that any Government is “taking sides.” Allowing the crime to be carried out is equally illegal under international law. Failing to condemn this state policy paves a way for Azerbaijani aggression - which aspires to bring a “final solution” to Armenian presence in the region.

5. With the impunity for policy of Azerbaijan, supported by Turkey, Armenians cannot count on any mechanisms of international guarantees to ensure Azerbaijan's compliance with any potential “peace treaty.” Thereby, this shall not be artificially pushed.

6. I see a clear position in some circles to push Armenia and facilitate a quick “peace deal”, on Azerbaijani terms, and through this shift the geopolitical landscape in the South Caucasus. It's mind-blowing that Europe is sleepwalking to another Munich Pact with another aggressor... These fears are confirmed by the open and publicly made territorial claims of the President of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Armenia, which, in the strangest way, no one in the world is willing to see.

8. Without duly considering the interests of all peoples in the region, without recognising the unique historical and civlisational role of each of these nations in our region, such “quick peace deal” will not ensure a long-term peace and stability in our region.

And finally, to conclude: ‘The political concept of 'Responsibility to Protect’ and the legal doctrine of remedial secession must apply to Nagorno Karabakh in full.

If not here, then where?

If not now - when?”

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