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Protocol on Exchange of Information between Customs Bodies is Discussed
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The Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and Vietnam was signed on 29 May 2015, and entered into force on 5 October 2016. Article 5.7 of the Agreement designs the introduction of an information exchange system between customs bodies. It was assigned to the Eurasian Economic Commission, which should implement it in 3 phases. The experimental exchange of data on 5 groups of products planned in the first phase was successfully carried out. The Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Ashot Muradyan spoke about this at March 1 NA sitting.

The draft law on Amending the Protocol on Ratifying the Protocol signed on 28 June 2018 between the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and the central customs bodies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on free trade between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states, on the one hand, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, on the other hand according to May 29, 2015 Article 5.7 of the Agreement on the Implementation of Information Exchange was discussed.

According to the rapporteur, the draft proposes to expand the composition of information exchange, technical requirements, the structure and exchange rules of e-mails.

The endorsement of the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration was presented by the Committee Member Shirak Torosyan. According to him, the protocol was developed for the purpose of preparation for the implementation of the information exchange second phase and includes the list of products about which the information exchange is planned to be carried out within the framework of the second phase of e-mails.

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