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Draft Proposes to Specify and Complete Jurisdiction of RA Government in Field of Urban Development
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The draft law on Addenda and Amendments to the Law on Urban Development proposes to clarify and complete the jurisdiction of the RA government in the field of urban development, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of management functions in this field. It is also designed to clarify the scope of functions of the RA Urban Development Committee, as a result of which the Committee's support in the development of the RA Government's policy in the field of urban development will become more efficient. It is also proposed to envisage the opportunity of separating special regulation objects of urban development activities in the areas adjacent to inter-state and republican highways, as well as to reserve to the Government the authority to define the maintenance and separation of special regulation objects of urban development activities, their regulation and operation, as well as the implementation of urban development activities and approval of design documents in the areas of special regulation objects.

The draft was introduced by the Chairman of the RA Urban Development Committee Armen Ghularyan at the NA sitting on March 1.

The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Arsen Torosyan inquired what will happen to the buildings that were designed, for instance, as 10-storey buildings, but later became 12-storey buildings, is that normal? And if it is not normal, then what will be done to stop this practice?

According to Armen Ghularyan, this activity is not normal, and today this practice has already been eliminated. He clarified that the problem with the communities, especially with Yerevan Municipality, is regulated and such an issue cannot happen again, and if there are deviations from the draft, then only if the safety rules are observed.

The NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the draft.

Giving a speech, the NA deputy of Armenia Faction Tadevos Avetisyan mentioned that the draft is problematic from the viewpoint of constitutionality. In this context, he considered the hasty debate of the draft incomprehensible.

There was also a reference to the problems of persons with disabilities regarding the accessibility of buildings and structures. In particular, Zaruhi Batoyan noted that there are no legislative gaps regarding this issue, hence it is unclear why even newly built, newly renovated structures are widely inaccessible. She expressed hope that the raised issue will be resolved after this draft adoption.

The NA Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan referred to the viewpoint expressed by his colleague and mentioned that during the period from the first to the second reading the experts will work with the lawyers of the Urban Development Committee and will give a clear opinion on whether there are any contradictions related to constitutionality and other legal issues or not.

The deputy urged his colleagues to vote for the draft.

In the final speech, Armen Ghularyan referred to the raised issues and gave clarifications.

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