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Suren Papikyan: In 2022, 917 Servicemen get an apartment or residential house within the framework of state purposeful programme affordable apartment to Serviceman
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In 2022, the National Assembly passed the bill envisaging amendments and addenda to the law on Defense, within the framework of which changes of the departments of the Armed Forces and the Chief Headquarters of the Armed Forces, subordinate units and military units’ structures were carried out. Educational Centre, Military Training Ground and new disciplinary sub-units were formed. Works of revision of drafts of legislative amendments necessary for the introduction of new structures. A working group was created for the introduction of professional sergeant’s system, a roadmap was revised and presented for approval: the RA Minister of Defense said at March 15 sitting of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security.

The report on Procedure and Result of the Execution of the Government programme for 2022 (2021-2026) of the Republic of Armenia.

As the Minister informed, as a result of legislative amendments, the powers of the state administration bodies in the sphere of defense were reviewed, right to receiving apartment with the right to free use was set for the officer servicemen who graduated from the military-educational institutions. New system of the attestation of the contractual servicemen connecting the implementation of the combat problems, as well as a new order passing from compulsory military service to contractual military service – the Motherland Defender programme.

According to the rapporteur, a 10-day programme project of mobilization specialists’ training of the RA state and territorial administration, local-self-government bodies was worked out, which is now at the phase of agreement. Now. The framework of holding of training sessions was expanded, setting 25 days their duration for including more reservists several times.

During the financial year a number of draft documents of strategic character and other leading ones were revised and presented for approval. The function of the state border defense is transferred phase by phase to the RA border guards. The installment of video surveillance systems continued on the frontline.

“The increase of social protection of servicemen and their families has been in the centre of our attention, and during the year 2022, the programme on providing advance pay of mortgage loan to the servicemen within the framework of the state purposeful programme affordable apartment to serviceman was worked out and annual interest rate subsidy,” Suren Papikyan underscored and added that by December of 2022, 917 servicemen got apartment or residential house.

The Minister answered the MPs’ questions, which referred to the frontline furnishing, the engineering work procedure, the settlement of non-charter relations in the army and the existing problems in the security system.

The Minister noted that to make the army disciplined a series of steps are undertaken, including legislative amendments. As Suren Papikyan informed, there is essential decrease of cases, accidents and crimes in 2022 compared with 2021. According to the rapporteur, nevertheless, the problems are many in the system, and the Ministry does huge work in solving them.

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