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Zareh Sinanyan: Armenian Language Courses Organized in Financial Year, in which 240 Repatriates Participate
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The draft law on Repatriation has been developed regarding which two debates were organized in the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport. The bill has been revised according to the proposals received. It is designed to circulate the revised version of the draft law in the near future. The High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan said this introducing the works carried out within the framework of the Government's plan in 2022.

According to the key rapporteur, the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs has served more than 8,000 applications on various issues regarding repatriation and integration. Armenian language courses were organized, in which 240 repatriates participated. 334 Ukrainian-Armenian families benefited from the integration support package. 104 Syrian-Armenians and Lebanese-Armenians benefited from health care services within the framework of the state order through the office’s mediation, and 18 Syrian-Armenian students were compensated for their tuition fee.

Touching upon the Global Armenian Summit held in Yerevan in October 2022, the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs informed that about 600 people from 50 countries of the world participated in the summit.

With the presentation of the key rapporteur, within the framework of the event iGorts Involvement of Diaspora Armenian specialists in the RA and Artsakh state administration system, in 2021-2022, 50 Diaspora Armenian specialists were involved in 26 structures of the state administration system of Armenia and Artsakh. About 80% of the graduates stayed in the RA started to work. The participants of the event developed 10 new programs.

An educational and cognitive program was organized for Diaspora Armenian youth aged 13-18 within the framework of the Walk for Home event. It included a 13-day camp program in which 422 people from 18 countries participated in 4 phases.

In 2022, studies on the human potential of the diaspora were carried on, information was collected on 25,000 high-ranking specialists and figures of Diaspora Armenians engaged in more than 20 spheres.

The Committee Chair Sisak Gabrielyan emphasized the importance of iGorts program, mentioning that every year highly accomplished specialists are involved in the state system of Armenia.

Zareh Sinanyan informed that about 25.000 people applied for the RA citizenship in 2022.

The report on the process and results of the program implementation of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026) in 2022 was debated at March 15 sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport.

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