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Anahit Avanesyan: Number of Cases of Health Care Hospital and Hard to Reach Researches and Service within the Framework of State Order in 2022
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In 2022, we continued to face the problems created as a consequence of pandemic and war. In this context work was done for decent organizing the health care. The RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan said about this at March 16 sitting of the Standing Committee on Health Care, presenting the report on the procedure and results of the execution for 2022 of the Government programme (2021-2026) of the Republic of Armenia.

In 2022, the five-year strategy of the sphere and the Comprehensive health insurance concept, which were adopted in January 2023. During the reporting period, the programme of events for the reforms of Primary medical care service, as well as the strategy for improving the health services and the action plan stemming from it. “The prevention national strategy of diabetes mellitus and its complications, the programme of its implementation measures, as well as the maternal and reproductive health care strategy and the plan of measures stemming from it,” the Minister underlined.

Regarding the volume of the services being carried out within the framework of the state border, the rapporteur informed: “In 2022, within the framework of the state border number of cases of Health Care Hospital and Hard to Reach Researches and Service was 786.864 compared with 2018 increased by 125%.” According to Anahit Avanesyan, it shows the commitment of increasing year by year the means being allocated to the health sphere by the Government.

The Minister presented in detail the works done during the reporting period, and the implementation of new services in the system. In 2022, the screening experimental programme of prematurely discovering the colorectal cancer launched, due to which 2096 researches. In 2022, 13 constructive works of 13 medical institutions were going on in the marzes. The Minister answered the MPs’ questions. They referred to the report, the registration of the new-name medicine, the services rendered to the persons who got injured during 44-day war, the necessity of vaccinating, etc.

The Committee Chair Narek Zeynalyan emphasized the construction of medical institutions in the marzes during the reporting period, the implementation of reconstruction and re-equipment works. “This is very important and is aimed at the rise of accessibility of medical services and equal development of health system,” the deputy underscored.

The report was accepted as information.

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