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Taguhi Tovmasyan Sends Emergency Letters to International Partners
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Make a public assessment of Azerbaijan's next crime, use mediation efforts to unblock the road connecting Artsakh to Armenia and the whole world: Taguhi Tovmasyan sent Emergency letters to all international partners.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan alarmed that separated from their families for several months, 27 Armenian civilians, including the elderly, children and people with disabilities, went to Stepanakert from the city of Goris on an extreme ground road on April 4 with the agreement reached with the Russian side and accompanied by Russian peacekeepers. Despite the initial agreement, the Azerbaijani government agents pretending to be “eco-activists” prohibited the transfer of civilians. Azerbaijanis even have broken into one of the cars, as a result of which 4 of the civilians felt worse, 3 of them fainted. Accompanied by Russian peacekeepers, they were taken to the Republican Medical Center of Stepanakert. Other civilians, 23 in number, returned to Goris.

The Committee Chair underlined that the Azerbaijani authorities implement a policy of ethnic cleansing openly, use all impermissible and criminal means to inflict emotional and psychological violence on the Armenians of Artsakh. They are pursuing the goal of dearmenianizing Artsakh in every possible way.

Taking into consideration the abovementioned, Taguhi Tovmasyan with emergency letters has demanded from all her international partners an urgent response and an addressed assessment of Azerbaijan’s regular crime. At the same time, she asked once more to make mediation efforts in the direction of opening the road connecting Artsakh to Armenia.

Ambassador of Switzerland Hosted in With Honor Faction
On April 6, the Head of the RA NA With Honor Faction Hayk Mamujanyan and the member of the Faction Taguhi Tovmasyan met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to the Republic of Armenia Lukas Rosenkranz.Welcoming the Ambassador, Hayk Mamijanyan highlighted the deepening...

Working debate in NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security
It is proposed to consider as a crime and define criminal liability for the failure to attend the sitting of the RA NA Investigative Committee or provide information. The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction, the Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan pro...

High ranking delegations to arrive in Armenia by legislative initiative also by Deputy Prime Ministers’ invitation
It is proposed by the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA law on State Protocol also to include in the notion ‘high ranking delegations’ the delegations arriving in the Republic of Armenia by the RA Deputy Ministers’ invitation the delegations led by the Deputy Prime Ministers of th...

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