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Parliament continues debate of implementation process and results of Government Programme for 2022
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On April 21, the National Assembly continued the debate of the report on the implementation process and results of the Government programme of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026) for 2022.

At the beginning of the sitting, the NA President Alen Simonyan allowed to restore the opportunity of the opposition deputies, who were not in the session hall after the incident that happened the previous day, to give speeches, for which they had registered on April 20.

The proposal was made by the Head of the Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan, the Head of the Civil Contract Faction Hayk Konjoryan supported the proposal. With the latter’s proposal, the opportunity of giving speeches by the deputies of the Civil Contract Faction was also restored.

Responding to the proposal, the NA President Alen Simonyan urged his colleagues to refrain from insulting their compatriots and possible provocations in their speeches. “I think that our compatriots, who elected you, us, should not witness how the opposition MPs give disguised insults, provoke and later present themselves in front of the press as a “victim.” If we are able to ensure a substantive debate, which has been happening so far, I think that the opportunity to give a speech can definitely be restored,” the Head of Parliament said.

For having a healthy society, the MPs underlined in their speeches the importance of having an educated society, the right value system, referred to the widespread hate speech and intolerance, noting their destructive effect.

The MPs from the opposition and ruling factions touched upon education issues, the importance of subsidy programmes, security issues, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the processes taking place around it, the Peace Treaty, the 44-day war, the disruption of communication between people and the Government, the incident that happened yesterday near the parliamentary tribune with the participation of the MP from with Honor Faction, the report under debate and other issues.


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