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Results of monitoring implemented within the framework of the programme Dignified Work Now presented to Committee
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Within the framework of the programme Dignified Work Now, Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center NGO carried out monitoring of the right to work of the RA Health and Labor Inspection Body, including the preservation of health and state control powers established by law in ensuring security, including enforcement of legislation.

On April 26, the report on it was presented to the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs. The Programme Expert Armen Khudaverdyan touched upon the proposals included in the report, the opportunities of their realization. The rapporteur informed that, particularly, it was proposed to hold training courses for improving the building integrity of the inspection bodies.

The Committee Chair Heriknaz Tigranyan, emphasizing the results of the monitoring, noted that problems referring to all Inspection bodies appeared.

He considered expedient to organize discussion with the participation of the representatives of the Office coordinating the work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Inspection Bodies.

According to Heriknaz Tigranyan, there are proposals which are acceptable, and they relate to the exclusion of the clash of interests, the specification of the schedule of organizing audits with the entities. There is need of additional discussions on some proposals.

Highlighting the discussion, the Committee Chair noted that these reports give an opportunity to regulate the emerged problems through legislative amendments.

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