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Tigran Torosyan Elected NA Speaker

The June 1 special session started with voting. The MPs adopted all agenda issues debated previous day. Then they referred to the NA Speaker election issue. Head of RPA faction Galust Sahakyan proposed the candidacy of Tigran Torosyan, the NA Vice-Speaker and Republican Party Deputy Chairperson. Hakob Hakobyan, member of People’s Deputy Group proposed the candidacy of Galust Sahakyan, but the latter declined the proposal.

As the NA Speaker candidate Tigran Torosyan preferred to talk about programs. For the last seven years he was the NA Vice-Speaker and estimates these years as honorable and responsible. He thinks that the NA has the biggest responsibility toward the solution of country’s problems. Therefore, to the question “Is it reasonable to be proposed for one year?” he answers: ‘Yes, it is.” He emphasized three main groups of questions the country faces. First, Tigran Torosyan highlighted the necessity of full implementation of constitutional amendments into the legislation, saying that we need not only good Constitution, but we have to secure the constitutionalism of our lives. This is of high importance, especially on the brink of the 2007 parliamentary elections and the 2008 presidential elections, when in political aspect, tense periods is expected. According to T. Torosyan, we have to refer to these important problems not only after election period and lose 2 years, but to use effectively the term we are elected for. The second problem, that T. Torosyan mentioned, refers to upcoming elections. The world community is curious, whether Armenia and Armenian people are able to hold elections in conformity to international standards.Mr. Torosyan considers such questioning painful and even insulting but not its affirmation. Armenia has to hold elections in compliance with all international standards. And this must be not only a nice expression, but in the months to come the activity of the parliamentary and non-parliamentary forces should be targeted at this. “We do not have alternative, and we have to significantly change the life and course of our country,” says T. Torosyan. The third problem is the establishment of necessary political atmosphere, both in the parliament and out of it. According to T.Torosyan, there are serious problems, and everyone, either representative of coalition or opposition, has tasks to perform; they have to bring sudden changes into the parliamentarian life. It does not mean not to have hot discussions. The parliament is the most important arena and approaches, ideas and principles have to collide here. At the same time, he thinks, that there is a necessity of reconsideration of culture of disputes. Though, the NA Vice-Speaker mentions that he is an optimist and believes that during the short period of time they can create an atmosphere that will give the country and people necessary hope and necessary kindness, which exist very often in the life. T. Torosyan referred also to the future of multiparty political system. In his view, we approached the line, after which serious challenges exist. The multiparty system in Armenia can either fully establish or can fully ruin itself. According to T. Torosyan, first of all, the responsibility bear the parliamentarian political forces. The challenges are common either for parliamentarian majority, or for opposition, or for the country, and the multiparty system has to determine and fulfill the program related to the future of the country. And all the most vital political decisions for the country must be decided in the parliament. He is sure that multiparty system and democracy do not have alternative in our country.

Is it really possible to solve similar complicated problems? In this regard, he assured that by the cooperative work it is possible to establish the main basis, and it will be possible to build the rest. These important tasks are not new; the work has been done in that direction. We have to continue that, thinks the NA Vice-Speaker. Tigran Torosyan considers that the three years of work with former NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan were effective and peaceful, saying that they together succeeded in solving a lot of problems. T. Torosyan mentioned that he does not like his presented statements of questions be observed as the opposite of the three-year work.

The MPs addressed questions to the NA Speaker candidate. Shavarsh Kocharyan was interested in the opportunity of sending their submitted draft amendments in the Electoral Code to European expertise. T. Torosyan expressed readiness to assist in presenting the Code for the official evaluation: to receive a final conclusion of PACE Venice Commission. Mr. Torosyan believes, we should not avoid an alternative draft. Hmayak Hovhanisyan’s question referred to the parliament function to counter balance the Government. According to the deputy, the parliament became adjunct body of the executive power. T. Torosyan disagrees with this statement and believes that all parliamentarian functions should be observed as a whole. Parliament cannot avoid shortcomings and mistakes, until the multiparty system takes place, says Vice-Speaker. The 1995 Constitution is one of the obstacles to the formation of that system. T. Torosyan thinks, it is important to put basis today for the correction of tomorrow’s mistakes. Gagik Avetyan, citing the foresights that there will remain only 500.000 people in 2015, presented his concern with the ratio of the employed and unemployed people. T. Torosyan believes that the presented data predict, but not forecast, and Armenian people have already evidenced all the difficulties. He is sure, that the Armenians will not leave the country without any serious reason. Aram Sargsyan was concerned with the fact that executive and legislative bodies will be in the hands of the same party, in the event of T. Torosyan’s election. He wonders, whether T. Torosyan will continue his firm attitude toward one or another issue. T. Torosyan affirmed once again the approach of responsibilities non-avoidance saying that healthy and objective criticism is always helpful. He has often criticized the Government so far for different types of shortcomings. Arshak Sadoyan tried to clarify the NA Speaker candidate’s view about his proposal to rule the country by purposeful programs. Mr. Torosyan believes that provisions and laws fixed by the Constitution are full enough to rule the country and the proposed model is not effective. In response to the deputy’s question on implementation of electronically voting mechanism during the elections, he noted, that many countries succeed in holding free elections without implementation of this system: first of all we need political wish.

Parliamentarian factions and the group expressed their views on T Torosyan’s candidacy.

The ULP faction will vote for the proposed candidate. Grigor Ghonjeyan noted that the faction highly evaluates T. Torosyan as a political figure and as a human being. The faction as well as T.Torosyan, believes that the main problem is the legislation conformity to the Constitution. The faction is sure, that Mr. Torosyan realizes his increased responsibility.

Artashes Geghamyan, Head of Azgayin Miabanutiun/National Unity Party informed about their previous position: they shouldn’t have participated in these elections, like they did in 2003. But the results of competent international and Armenian organizations’ sociological researches made them to change the position. According to the statistics, out of 1200 questioned citizens of the country 55% believes that the country is on the wrong path and their bad conditions haven’t changed. 67% of the questioned do not trust the parliament, 64% - do not trust the government. “We have to speak loudly about problems and recognize the level of own responsibility,” says Head of National Unity Party. According to Artashes Geghamyan, it is not possible to solve problems the country faces with this parliamentarian staff. The depiction will be quite another, if all the MPs agree to resign their parliamentarian powers.

Artur Baghdasaryan presented the view of Orinats Yerkir faction. He believes that it is necessary to be above of narrow interests and elect the NA Speaker. By not electing the President and destructing the work of the parliament, we will also damage the Armenian international reputation, says head of OEK party. Especially, when important international events are envisioned in the Parliament. The faction is for the candidacy of T. Torosyan. According to the previous NA Speaker, he is one of few professionals in the parliament, and due to his human and professional abilities is able to lead the parliament. Artur Baghdasaryan informed that the faction would not participate in the envisioned elections for the left vacancies.

Mekhak Mkhitaryan, Secretary of Entrepreneur Deputy group noted in his speech, that T. Torosyan fully understands both: the parliament activities and all nuances of the parliamentary diplomacy. The group believes that the proposed candidate will perform his NA Speaker’s powers successfully, and they will vote for him.

Vahan Hovhannisyan, the NA Vice-Speaker, informed that ARF would also be for the candidacy of T. Torosyan. While summing up the qualities necessary to perform duties of the NA Speaker, Vahan Hovhannisyan highlighted his organizational abilities, familiarity with legislative field, awareness in international sphere and being recognized there. These are the features that T. Torosyan possesses, according to Vahan Hovhannisyan.

Galust Sahakyan, Head of RPA faction, thanking for the cooperation, noted that T. Torosyan is the person who can be the guarantee of the NA activities. Head of faction is sure that the republic is higher for him than other interests, and he has never been biased.

Gagik Melikyan, Chairperson of the Ad-Hoc Counting Committee presented from the parliament tribune the results voting held during the provided one-hour time by closed secret ballot. 97 NA deputies participated in the voting, 2 ballots out of 97 were annulled. He declared that in the ratio of 94 ballots for, and 1 ballot against T. Torosyan was elected the NA Speaker.

The newly elected NA Speaker thanked for active participation and support. He noted that every similar voting is big responsibility for everyone. He mentioned that they have a duty to their people and country. Referring once again to the problems and challenges the country faces, T. Torosyan assured that this fact is accepted even by the colleagues who did not participate in the voting, and called for the joint work. The NA Speaker believes that any problem can be resolved with joint and unified work. Definitely it is possible to find the solution, and we should not be in despair. At the end of the speech he noted, that he wishes to finish the debate of this issue optimistically: with the optimism, in the basis of which is a work.

The special session will resume the work on June 2. On the agenda, with other issues, there is the issue of election of Chairpersons of Standing Committees.

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