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It is designed to regulate the issues on organization of the education of children needing education at pre-school educational degree and special conditions of development
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It is expected by the adoption of the legislative package on Amending the law HO-267-N of May 6 2020 on Making Addenda and Amendments to the law on Pre-School Education and on Amending the law on Pre-School Education to regulate the issues on organization of the education children needing education at pre-school educational degree and special conditions of development, as well as providing pedagogical-psychological support services. It is also proposed to specify the circumstance of compulsory training once in five years conditioned by the number of the groups and positions of the pre-school educational institutions, taking into consideration the fact of being different number of pedagogical employees. The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Araxia Svajyan informed about this, presenting the legislative package for debate in the first reading at May 2 NA sitting.

It was also noted that, according to the implemented analysis, about 65% of the directors of the community pre-school educational institutions works on the contract-basis with indefinite term, which does not stem from the logic of Article 19 of the law on Pre-school Education and creates unequal conditions in the field. The Deputy Minister informed that until June 1, 2024 the directors working with such contracts should pass certification process, otherwise the working contracts signed with them will be terminated.

It is also proposed to remove the compulsory training requirement preceding the receipt of the right (certification) of leadership of pre-school educational institution.

The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Zaruhi Batoyan inquired from the Deputy Minister if it is possible there will be cases that the child who is with disability or has need of special conditions of education, will be rejected for attending pre-school institution.

The Deputy Minister clarified that no pre-school educational institution has right to reject a child, as from the previous year already the universal inclusive education at pre-school level is already introduced. “But in this draft law the proposing regulations will give an opportunity to provide in more coordinated way the pedagogical and psychological support services, including through regional pedagogical and psychological support centres. It was expanded and specified also who can be considered as a child with needs of special conditions of education and development, underlining that it could be a child with not only disabilities, but also any child, who appeared in this or that hard situation,” Araxia Svajyan clarified.

Narek Babayan presented the endorsement of the NA Head Committee.

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