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Draft concerning amendments being proposed to the law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances is not endorsed at the committee sitting
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At May 17sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, legislative initiatives were debated in the second reading.

Amendments of several editorial character were made from the first to the second reading to the laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Narcotics and Psychotropic (Psychedelic) Substances and on Amending the RA Code on Administrative Offences authored by the Government.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA First Deputy of Health Lena Nanushyan, since the adoption of the law on industrial hemp there are no serious moves in the field. The Government presented a package of drafts, by which the problems impeding the business should be solved.

The draft proposed to give opportunity the entities to create production of hemp within 2 years instead of 1 year.

Reference was made to the order of quota review, Lena Nanushyan noted that the Government defines it. The licensed person can apply for the review of the quotas for the next year until the last quarter of the given year.

The participants of the debate and the Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan opined that the problems will not be solved: in the future there will be no need for touching upon the package.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan expressed opinion the it would be right that the Ministry of Economy, but not the Ministry of Health presents this initiative, as it refers to the economy. Though the amendment is made to the law, which relates to the Ministry of Health, but it solves economic problem.

The Deputy Chair of the Committee informed that he will not vote for the draft law, as it needs additional debate. In this context he proposed the attendees to take the draft to the first reading during the plenary sittings and debate it one more month. If there will be any proposals or alternative versions by the institutions, they will also be included within the framework of the issue under debate.

As a result of debates, the draft law was not endorsed.

Sona Ghazaryan: The destruction of historical and cultural monuments during wars has one goal: the destruction of cultural identity
The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan made a report at PACE Session going on in Strasbourg.In her report the MP said:“First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude to Yevghenia for the comprehensive report. This report has been thoroughly discussed in our committee thro...

Delegation led by RA NA President Alen Simonyan meets with Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia Daiga Mieriņa
The delegation led by the RA NA President Alen Simonyan is on an official visit in Riga at the invitation of the Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia Daiga Mieriņa.On June 26, the delegation involved with the Head of the Armenia-Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Friendship Group Arsen Toros...

It is designed to form student detachments that will take part in certain engineering works in positions
The Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly Andranik Kocharyan proposes to form student volunteer detachments that will take part in certain engineering works in the positions. According to the MP, the idea of ​​the initiative arose during the vis...

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