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Peculiarities of paid parking landmark to be reserved to RA Government with initiative
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The purpose of the amendment to the law on Peculiarities of Local Payment of Motor Vehicle Parking and Administrative Procedure is to improve the process of organizing parking lots. The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan said about this.

“At present the process of definition of rates being used for organizing according to zoning and office parking is not regulated. It is designed by the draft law to reserve the peculiarities of the paid parking landmark to the RA Government,” the Deputy Minister informed.

The deputy Alkhas Ghazaryan inquired if there will be changes or not on the amount of payments by the adoption of the draft law.

Armen Simonyan noted that by law the amounts of maximum payments are already set, and in what case what kind of payment should be levied, it will be set by the decision of the Elders of Council of the community after carrying out relevant zoning.

The NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan highlighted the possibility of paying with different currencies and card systems in the parking lots in terms of the citizens’ convenience: “If the city authorities give as a rent any area for such activity, also should set criteria how it should take place.” Hakob Arshakyan proposed his colleagues to debate the issue and understand if there is need for legislative regulation.

The member of the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection Lilit Kirakosyan voiced the endorsement of the Committee.

The issue was debated in the first reading at June 13 NA sitting.

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