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NATO PA Delegation’s Meeting in Parliament

On June 12 the delegation of the NATO PA Subcommittee on Democratic Governance and (CDSDG) Sub-Committee on Future Security and Defence Capabilities (DSCFC) met with the Armenian delegation in NATO PA.

Welcoming the guests Mher Shahgeldyan, Head of the Armenian delegation, highlighted Armenia- NATO partnership, observing it as the most important component of the regional security. In Armenia-NATO relationship Armenia’s participation in the Individual Partnership Actions Plan was highlighted. Mher Shahgeldyan noted that along with the development of democracy and establishing peace in the region Armenia tries to more increase the democratic control and transparency in the spheres of defense and security. The development of parliamentarism in Armenia was highlighted. It was noted that Armenia is seeking to intensify the parliamentary control toward the security sphere. The development of Armenia-NATO PA relationship Mr. Shahgeldyan sees in a number of directions: security, civil defense, antiterrorist fighting, development of democracy, etc. In this context the role and importance of the parliamentary diplomacy was highlighted.

Touching upon Armenia-Turkey relations, Mr. Shahgeldyan noted that Armenia repeatedly stated about the readiness of beginning relations without any preconditions.

Vahit Erdem (Turkey), Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Future Security and Defence Capabilities, noted that during its history NATO with its structure and peculiarity proved that can create opportunities for the countries having key problem, in particular, bringing as an example the development of the relations between Turkey and Greece. It was noted that NATO continues the open door policy.  He noted that Turkey is ready to develop the relations with Armenia, and it’s not conditioned by the solutions of the conflicts. In Turkey they find that in the 21st century we should look at the future, not - at the past, we should develop the relations coming from the centuries, restoring the friendship.

During the meeting of Frank Crump, Deputy Head of the OSCE office in Yerevan, Carel Hofstra, politico-military officer, OSCE office in Yerevan, Varuzhan Nersisyan, OSCE Division head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues concerning the regional conflicts and Black Sea regional cooperation were discussed. The OSCE representatives introduced the programs implementing in Armenia in the directions of human rights and democratization, military-political and environmental, economic security.

Varuzhan Nersisyan touched upon the problem of Karabakh conflict, presenting Armenia’s official position and the current stage of the negotiation process. The sides noted the establishment of tolerance important, considering unacceptable the war-like calls, the campaign of war and hatred.

Other issues of bilateral interest were also discussed during the meeting.

Purpose of draft is to exclude existence of sub-legislative normative legal acts adopted in absence of an authorizing norm
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Bill endorsed: New functions to be given to Military-Industrial Committee
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Legislative initiatives debated in second reading endorsed
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RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those fallen in the 44-day war.They laid flowers o...

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