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Vilen Gabrielyan: “For about three decades the refugees’ problems have not been solved in our country”
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“For about three decades the problems of the forcibly displaced from Azerbaijan have not been solved in your country in global aspect,” the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Vilen Gabrielyan said at the working discussion of a group of representatives of the NGOs being engaged with the refugees on June 19.

According to the deputy, the fact is that the RA authorities mainly solved some social problems of the refugees on time, not being engaged with their political, legal and civil rights issues, which in fact did not give an opportunity to officially raise the issues of the forcibly displaced persons and present them in comprehensive format.

It was noted that the main problems regarding the refugees were ignored.

The representatives of the NGOs voiced the multifaceted problems. It was proposed to solve the problems in the institutional way.

Vilen Gabrielyan stressed the necessity of the state support. He considered important the elaboration of the new strategy and tactics on the forcibly displaced persons, setting the sequence of distinct steps.

The state-non-governmental organizations partnership was also emphasized.

Let us remind that in 1988-1992, more than half a million Armenians were forcibly displaced from Azerbaijan, 360.000 out of them found asylum in the Republic of Armenia. According to the implemented registration in 1997, the number of the refugees being resided in the country was about 310.000 people. In the further years, re-registration of the forcibly displaced persons from Azerbaijan was not carried out.

In 1999, the RA law on Refugees, by which the bases of giving status to the refugees, their legal and social protection guarantees were established, was adopted.

President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomes the participants of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
On September 12, the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union started in Yerevan.The President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomed the participants of the Conference.“I am deeply honoured to address you today at the 10th Global Conference of Yo...

Speech by Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
During the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, in his opening remarks welcoming the attendees, noted that their three-year dream has come true.“As of today Armenia is the youngest parlia...

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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