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Taguhi Tovmasyan Meets with delegation led by Member of the German Bundestag Merle Spellerberg
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On June 27, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan met with the delegation led by the Member of the German Bundestag Merle Spellerberg.

The Committee Chair presented to the guests the situation created in Artsakh, the imperative of ensuring security and recognition of the right to self-determination, informed that Armenia also has a problem of preserving sovereignty and regional integrity.

Merle Spellerberg especially was interested in the fact to what extent in our country are protected the rights of women, marginal groups, minorities and human rights in the environmental sphere.

Taguhi Tovmasyan answered that the women are targeted in Armenia. Though the legislation designs to protect everybody’s rights, but not always the marginal groups inform the law enforcers about the violations of their rights.

The MP also touched upon the problem of open mines, noting that the emissions have harmful impact on the citizens’ health.

Merle Spellerberg also referred to the Istanbul Convention and inquired why the RA National Assembly had not ratified until today.

Regarding this the Committee Chair informed that the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church was against the introduction of the Convention, making impossible its ratification, as Armenia was the first adopting Christianity as a state religion, and opposing the church cannot be perceived by the society.

At the meeting the cooperation of the National Assembly with the German Bundestag was highly appreciated.

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