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To Help Search the Missing Persons

On June 16 the RA NA Speaker Tigran Torosyan received the delegation of the International Red Cross Committee headed by Yves Arnold.

During the meeting issues connected with the searches of the lost persons and the support of their families were discussed. Highlighting the fact that the discussion of the issue is on the humanitarian plane and free from political interests the NA Speaker expressed his satisfaction that the Rapporteur of the PACE Committee for Migration, Refugees and Population on the Missing Persons in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan Leo Platvoet has included in his meetings also the representatives of Nagorno Karabakh. The issue is important also because the missing persons are mainly Karabakh residents and there is need to get to know the situation and the problems of families on spot in order to make the support more real.

Mr. Arnold highlighted the strengthening of the dialogue and cooperation and noted that the searching of the missing people is a long-lasting process and their organization does its best to involve a large number of people in the searching and to help the families, so that they feel they are not alone in their misfortune. He also informed the NA Speaker that in autumn there will be a roundtable on the issues of the missing persons during which the report of the union that is charged of the same questions in Armenia will also be heard. Philippe Xavier, Regional Legal Adviser of the CIS Countries of the International Red Cross Committee, noted that a model law is being prepared for CIS countries and expressed his willingness to support the Parliament concerning the solution of legislative problems.

During the meeting the sides discussed also other issues of bilateral interest.

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