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An authorizing norm to be established regarding requirements for service vehicle quantities, limits, lubricants, fuel and other standards
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The draft law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on State Property Management establishes an authorizing norm that will enable the Government to set requirements for service vehicle quantities, limits, lubricants, fuel and other standards. The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan informed this during the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on September 5.

The Deputy Minister clarified that all this is defined by the decision of the Government, the only problem is that the law lacks the authorizing norm.

According to the draft, the State Property Management Committee will be empowered to account for state movable property and maintain an electronic register.

As a result of the adoption of the draft, an authorizing norm will be established in the Law on State Property Management which will empower the RA Government to approve the standards of state property in a single legal act, as well as to account for state movable property.

The deputy Arsen Torosyan inquired from the Deputy Minister, what the Government’s position is regarding purchasing cars that run without gasoline or diesel fuel, that is, electric cars. “The use of electric cars for service purposes was debated in the Government, we even had a certain process in that direction. The issue has been debated several times and even some technical specifications have been developed in this regard, but I cannot give a clear answer at this moment, whether, for example, we will switch to electric cars from January 1, 2024,” the rapporteur explained, presenting the problems concerning the issue. It was noted that the issue is on the agenda of the Government.

The Committee endorsed the draft.

The debate of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on transportation of dangerous goods and non-disarmed containers by road transport authored by the Government, with the enclosed legislative package, was postponed for up to two months.

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