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Legal regulations of legislation regarding health sector brought into line with legislative initiative
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Amendments and addenda are proposed to the RA Code on Administrative Offenses conditioned by the amendment made to the Law HO-42 of March 4, 1996 on Medical Assistance and Service to the Population by the Law HO-268 of May 6, 2020, according to which the law was written in a new edition, and it became necessary to make appropriate amendments in Article 47.1.2 of the Code bringing in line with the legal regulations of the mentioned laws.

The key rapporteur, the Inspection Bodies’ Coordination Bureau Head of the RA Prime Minister’s Office Petros Martirosyan noted that, in addition, according to Article 41.1 of the law, patho-anatomical activities are carried out through morphological examinations and patho-anatomical autopsies, so it is necessary to harmonize the above legal regulations.

It was also noted that the proposed amendments are of a technical nature.

The Committee members endorsed the draft law.

The draft law on Amending the RA Code on Administrative Offenses was debated in the first reading at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care on September 7.

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