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Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure: Competitiveness of Armenian organizations carrying out commercial interstate cargo transportation to increase, existence of unified rules of competition in field to be ensured
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The necessity to adopt the draft laws is conditioned by the implementation of paragraphs 28 and 30 of the Transport section of the road map for the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed between the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and their member states, approved by the RA Prime Minister’s 666-L decision in 2019. In addition, in the Republic of Armenia, the peculiarities of carrying out interstate cargo transportation defined by the Quality Charter for International Road Haulage Operations in the multilateral quota system of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) are not fully regulated. The Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan said this during the NA plenary sitting in the context of the report on the package of draft laws on Making Addenda to the Law on Road Transport and the attached laws in the first reading.

In this context, the Deputy Minister also noted that at the same time the measures of administrative liability of the process, the state tax rates and the draft amendments to the legislative acts defining the notification regulations for professional training activities were developed.

The NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan asked the Deputy Minister to present in more detail what changes the citizens will notice as a result of the adoption of the regulations.

The member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Hayk Tsirunyan made a related report. The MP informed that the draft was debated in the relevant Committee and was endorsed.

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