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Petros Martirosyan: Inspection bodes to fully carry out the functions reserved to them, ensuring the security in the appropriate spheres of control and the maintenance of legislation requirements
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On April 9, 2018 the Law on State Government System Bodies, by which the Inspection Bodies’ system was formed, entered into force. Meanwhile the names of the bodies implementing control towards formerly relevant spheres and applying responsibility measures for administrative legal offenses prescribed by that Code: The Head of the Inspection Bodies’ Coordination Bureau of the RA Prime Minister’s Office Petros Martirosyan said while giving report on the draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Code on Administrative Offences.

According to the rapporteur, requirements are designed by a number of laws in the spheres of the Inspection Bodies’ control, and responsibility measures are not designed by the Code for violating them, besides, the experience of the inspection bodies shows that the amount of the fine for some offences is not sufficient for preventing that offence. In some cases, they are so low that the entities prefer to pay the fine than to remove the offence.

Pertros Martirosyan noted that the aim of the draft adoption is to set by the Code on Administrative Offences that the body investigating the cases on the offences being in the relevant spheres and (or) defining responsibility is the inspection body carrying out control towards that sphere.

Petros Martirosyan also informed that as a result of regulations administrative responsibility measures will be set for violating the requirements prescribed by the labour, health, food safety legislations, for which at present responsibility is not set.

As a result of regulation, the inspection bodies will get an opportunity to fully carry out the functions reserved to them, ensuring the security in the appropriate spheres of control and the maintenance of legislation requirements.

“The draft has been undergone voluminously amended, we are ready to hold work debate and receive proposals,” the member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Alkhas Ghazaryan said during her co-report.

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