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RA Deputy Minister of Justice: New attestation order to be introduced for penitentiary employees
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The designing regulations are directed to the involvement of the personnel with professional relevant potential of the Penitentiary Service, as well as the establishment of necessary level of the social security which will promote making the penitentiary system more attractive, thus guaranteeing the replenishment of vacancies and the engagement of qualified personnel.

The measure of the Penitentiary Service Personnel Policy Review is designed by Paragraph 16 of the Strategy Programme Implementation of RA Penitentiary Service and Probation Sphere for 2019-2023, and the definition of the functioning mechanisms of the choice and advancement are considered to be the directions of its implementation.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan said this presenting for debate the package of the drafts on Making Amendments and Addenda the law on Penitentiary Service and on Remuneration for Persons Holding State Positions and state Service Positions at the NA regular sitting on September 13.

It was noted that it is proposed to introduce a new attestation order for penitentiary employees, which, according to the key rapporteur, will enable the employees to essentially improve the remuneration conditions, as well as to establish and specify the non-regulated and non-distinct regulated legal relations caused by the adoption of the law of January 21, 2020 on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Penitentiary Service.

According to Deputy Minister, the employees receiving premium attested in the relevant position and in the amount established for the given position group once in three years for continuing the counting of the premium. To continue the calculation of the premium the employee thinks about right to apply for attestation after two years from the day of getting the right to calculation of the premium according to the previous attestation results. The employee appointed by the advancement according to the competition results applies after being appointed to the position during one year.

The co-rapporteur, the member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee and called her colleagues to vote for it.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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