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Working Debate at the Committee

On June 30 at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and Internal Affairs working debate on government-submitted draft on Operative Intelligence Activity was held. Representatives from the RA Ministry of Justice, Police, National Security Service, State Tax Service, Customs State Committee and others participated in the debate.

Aramayis Grigoryan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on National Security and Internal Affairs highlighted the necessity of law adoption, noting that the drafts have passed a long way of debates in the National Assembly, numerous proposals have been made and now the Government has presented the edited option of the draft.

Presenting the draft, Arman Aloyan, Head of Division of the Department of Relations with European Court on Human Rights noted that the law regulates legal relationships originated from operative-intelligence activity sphere. The law defines the notion, problems, principles of operative-intelligence activity, executive bodies, their rights and duties, basis of holding events of operative-intelligence activity, types, supervision and control of operative-intelligence activity.

It is mentioned in the draft that the police, bodies of national security, tax bodies, customs bodies, bodies of criminal executive service including criminal executive inspection have a right to execute operative-intelligence activity within reserved by law authorized borders. The bodies executing operative-intelligence activity do not have right to involve MPs, ministers, judges, workers of other operative subdivisions of bodies executing operative-intelligence activity, bodies of national security, criminal executive service, as well as criminal executive inspection and employees executing operative-intelligence activity, officials of armed forces, excluding the involvement of the anti-intelligence activity execution prescribed by law. During the operative-intelligence activity operative-intelligence arrangements are carried out: operative inquiry, operative clarification, collection of comparative research samples, control purchase, supervised delivery and purchase, research of documents and goods, external observation, internal observation, personal identification, investigation of buildings, constructions, sites, transport means, control of correspondence, postal, telegraphic and other communications, listening to telephone conversations, operative input, operative experiment, disclosure of information from technical communication lines and means.

Members of the Committee, Gagik Kostandyan, Hrant Khachatryan, Hrayr Karapetyan, representatives of the Police, National Security Service and State Customs Committee presented their considerations regarding the draft.

Aramayis Grigoryan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and Internal Affairs, summing up the sitting, noted that an analysis will be carried out, the presented proposals will be summed up to improve the draft and submit to the parliament for the debates.

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
On September 26, RA Vice President of the RA National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia Patrik Svensson.Issues regarding the RA-Sweden cooperation, the regional security were discussed. Reference was made to the norm...

Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
As a result of the adoption of the draft, concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center, loft will be defined, the requirement of replenishing the fund of the Armenian studies of the important libraries of abroad will be fixed, the goals of the use of the libraries wil...

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