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Committee endorses draft laws debated in second reading
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A number of legislative initiatives were debated in the second reading at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on September 27.

According to the key rapporteur, the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan, no proposals were presented after the first reading.

The package of drafts on Making Amendment and Addenda to the Law on Licensing and on Making Addenda to the Law on Postal Communications was debated.

The Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan informed that after the first reading, the Government presented two amendments, and the Expertise departments of the Ministry and the National Assembly presented editorial proposals, which were adopted. As a result, the package of drafts has been revised.

According to the key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan, the adoption of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Transporting Dangerous Goods and Non-Disarmed Containers by Road Transport and the package of the enclosed drafts derives from the requirements of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).

According to him, it is proposed to fill the legislative gaps regulating the organization of the transportation process of dangerous goods by ensuring the adoption of legal acts in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement. The notion of ‘dangerous goods’ is also defined.

It was noted that after the first reading, all the proposals of technical character presented by the NA Expertise and Analytical Department were adopted.

The Committee members endorsed all the initiatives debated in the second reading.

The Committee debated the revised draft law on Making Addendum to the Law on Trade and Services, which was presented by the RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan.

Vahan Kerobyan presented the draft law on Making Amendment and Addenda to the law on the export of dual-use goods, their transit through the RA territory, as well as the control over the transfer of dual-use information and the results of intellectual activity in the second reading. The aim is to improve the activity of the bodies providing expert opinion in the field by defining the necessary requirements for their activity.

The Committee endorsed the draft laws debated in the second reading.

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