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Hakob Arshakyan gives speech at the reception on 74th anniversary of independence of PRC organized by Embassy of China to RA
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On September 27, the Vice President of the RA National Assembly, the Head of the Armenia-China Friendship Group Hakob Arshakyan took part in the reception on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the independence of the People’s Republic of China organized by the Embassy of China to Armenia and gave welcoming speech.

“Your Excellency, Ambassador Fan,

Dear friends,

I warmly congratulate you on National Day of China, on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Last year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China and on that occasion I wish to record that since the establishment of diplomatic relation the Armenian-Chinese friendly cooperation, which is based on the traditional close ties, developed and strengthened in a stable way, and close ties on the basis of mutual respect were formed between our peoples and states.

China is one of the primary trade partners, and we greatly highlight the further strengthening of friendly cooperation with China. We continue to reinforce the mutually beneficial cooperation, more expanding the framework of partnership, including trade, tourism, culture, education and other spheres.

In June of the current year the regular session of the Armenian-Chinese Joint Commission on Trade-Economic affairs was held, within the framework of which, the reached agreements surely will have their contribution in further strengthening of bilateral relations. Political consultations were held between the foreign ministries of the two countries.

As Head of the NA Armenia-China Friendship Group I hope that in the near future we’ll have an opportunity to more activate also the inter-parliamentary mechanisms and organize mutual visits of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups.

We back the Chinese side over the sensible issues for the latter, consecutively supporting the People’s Republic of China in the principle One China, as well as cooperate on the agenda, meeting global challenges.

The Government of Armenia values the policy of the assistance of the Government of China, within the framework of which, grants, technical aid and privileged loans are regularly provided to Armenia. Various officials of the RA state structures by the support of the Chinese side regularly pass training courses in different cities of China. During many years the assistance directed to the development promoted the increase of capacities in different spheres, for which we express our deepest gratitude. At present, the sides jointly discuss the programme of building a new pavilion of the TV Company.

Dear friends, at present, the Armenian people pass through hard ordeals. During the history, the Chinese people also passed through calamities, which the Chinese people overcame with patience, endurance and stubborn work.

Today’s holiday symbolizes the beginning of the Chinese people’s rise in historical perspective and its great meaning inspires us hope that the old peoples and the old civilizations are able to overcome the difficulties and build a new and modern society,” the NA Vice President noted and concluded his speech, again congratulating his Chinese friends on the occasion of National Day.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to the Republic of Armenia Fan Yong also welcomed the attendees. On behalf of the Embassy he expressed his gratitude to all partners, who always support the development of the Armenian-Chinese relations and have their contribution in strengthening the friendship of the two countries. According to the Ambassador, during the last 74 years China had huge achievements of development which changed the world.

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