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Lilit Galstyan gives a speech at OSCE PA Autumn Meeting being held in Yerevan
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At the OSCE PA session the member of the RA NA delegation to the OSCE PA, the representative of the Armenia Faction Lilit Galstyan reminded her colleagues that our calls to the international community fell on deaf ears, and it was not possible to prevent the disaster in Nagorno Karabakh.

“Dear colleagues,

Our meeting is taking place in a volatile political environment, where the fundamental rights of thousands of innocent people is under question, thousands are suffering from terror and aggression. Unfortunately, our region is one of those burning crossroads.

What happened in Nagorno Karabakh is an internationally recognized crime committed to eliminate an ethnic group. However, this disaster could have been avoided if the international community had shown interest. Our warnings about the imminent disaster fell on deaf ears and this continuing inadequate international response provides a green light for Azerbaijan to commit new war crimes without being held accountable.

The starvation blockade committed by Azerbaijan was intended to push the indigenous people of Nagorno Karabakh out of their homeland of three thousand years.

Almost 150,000 Armenians, including those who were displaced during the war, were forced to flee to Armenia.

Contrary to the November 9 statement around 55 Armenian prisoners of war and civilians, including the elected officials of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, have been illegally kidnapped and detained in Azerbaijan. In fact, they are political prisoners of the Aliyev regime.

In the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan is conducting a documented policy of elimination of the rich Armenian cultural and religious heritage.

Moreover, Azerbaijan has occupied 200 square kilometers of Armenia's sovereign territories and is repeatedly claiming Armenia as “Western Azerbaijan.”

The people of Nagorno Karabakh appreciate the international humanitarian assistance. But what they seek is their safe return to their homeland. They cannot be denied the right to survival and self-determination in their ancestral HOMELAND.

We should realize that the brutal dictatorship of Azerbaijan cannot be trusted with the right and security of Armenians and a peace deal would most likely result in ethnic cleansing.

Dear colleagues,

The credibility of our organization also depends on our individual responsibility. I, therefore, call on my colleagues to stand up for justice, for true democracy and human rights. Are we doing enough to prevent current or future genocides?

In accordance with the obligations of our organization we must lead the efforts to enforce guarantees to secure the return of the Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh to their homeland.

Or else, we shall all become mere witnesses to yet another tragedy, sharing the responsibility,” the MP noted.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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