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Citizen not to be obliged to submit anymore the CMPTLI contract to the Police for decreasing the amount of fine by the initiative
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In case of not having the Compulsory Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance (CMTPLI) contract the citizens of the Republic of Armenia are fined with 100.000 AMD by the existing regulation. However, there is an encouraging norm, according to which, during 24 hours after recording the circumstance of not having the CMTPLI contract, in case of submitting to the Police on signing the CMTPLI contract and an evidence on it, the citizens can 25.000 AMD instead of 100.000 AMD, in the amount of 25% of fine envisaged from the beginning.

“Our citizens are not only obliged to pay that money during 24 hours, but also submit the contract to any department of the police or to any patrol office,” the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Eduard Aghajanyan underlined at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security in the first reading, presenting the amendment being proposed in the Code on Administrative Offences on December 4.

The author proposes to remove the existing additional liability from the citizens, because the abovementioned information is accessible to the Police Service.

As a result, it will not be required from the citizen to approach the Police, submit the CMTPLI contract as a proof. The Police should follow online, see and terminate the proceedings, envisaging 25.000 AMD liability instead of 100.000 AMD. As Eduard Aghajanyan informed, the issue was debated with the partners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was noted that it will be possible to agree on some technical issues until the second reading.

The co-rapporteur, the Deputy Chair of the Committee Armen Khachatryan highlighted the adoption of the initiative. Urged the Committee members to vote for it. The MP reminded that the norm that exempts from the 75% payment liability and encourages the norm functions by the initiative authored several months ago. According to Armen Khachatryan, the change had a positive influence, the number of the contracts increased.

The position of the Government on the initiative is positive: The RA Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan voiced this. According to her, the simplification of the administration will promote more easily organizing the process. The Government presented technical proposals, which were considered acceptable by the author.

The initiative was approved by the Committee.

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