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Legislative initiative is intended to balance interests of trade networks and suppliers, curb possible risks and ensure a fair and competitive environment
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As a result of adopting the drafts, it is expected to create the necessary, predictable and certain legal bases for trade network and supplier relations, as well as the sale market of agricultural products, which will contribute to the implementation of fair trade, including improving the competitive environment and increasing the protection of consumer rights. The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said this while presenting the legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Protection of Economic Competition and on Making Addenda to the Law on Trade and Services in the first reading at the NA regular sitting on December 8. The initiative defines the general requirements of trade network and supplier relations, establishes a list of information to be published on the official website of the trade network.

The criteria and conditions for the selection of the supplier’s product, the entry of the new suppliers into the commercial network are planned.

The essential conditions of the contract concluded with the trade network are clarified, the maximum terms for payment to the supplier by the trade network are defined.

The NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the draft, it was presented by David Arushanyan.

The initiative was debated during the NA regular sittings on December 8.

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